"Permanent Resident" visa grants permanent residence to foreign nationals.
Holders of this visa may stay in Japan without any restrictions on the length of their stay.
Table of Contents:
The number of applications for the "Permanent Resident" visa has consistently hovered around 50,000 to 60,000 since 2011.
The approval rate was around 70% until 2016. However, it dropped to 57% in 2017 and has not fully recovered to its previous level.
Your application needs to be very carefully prepared.
*You must renew your Residence Card every seven (7) years.
*You must obtain a "Special Re-entry Permit" or "Re-entry Permit" before temporarily leaving Japan and wishing to re-enter.
The immigration law stipulates the following principle requirements.
*Spouses or children of Japanese nationals, permanent residents, and special permanent residents are exempted from the abovementioned requirements in 1 and 2.
1. Your behavior and conduct are good.
You must comply with the laws and live a socially acceptable life as a resident in your daily life in Japan. You and your family residing in Japan must not fall under any of (a) through (c).
(a) Persons who have been sentenced to imprisonment, imprisonment without work, or a fine for violating the laws and regulations of Japan
(b) Persons with ongoing protective dispositions under the Juvenile Act
(c) Persons who are not considered to be of good conduct in their daily or social life, such as those who repeatedly commit illegal acts or disturb public morals.
*Drunk driving, driving without a license, and excessive speeding over the speed limit are included in this category.
*Working over the limit (28 hours per week) of permission to engage in activity other than that permitted under the status of residence previously granted (資格外活動許可) falls under this category, too.
2. You have sufficient assets or skills to make an independent living.
You must not be a burden on the public in your daily life and must be expected to have a stable life in the future in view of your assets or skills, etc.
*Having received public assistance (生活保護) pursuant to the Public Assistance Act is considered an above-mentioned burden.
*You must be considered capable of being financially stable now and in the future. If you and your spouse are deemed able to maintain a stable livelihood as a household unit, you will be considered to meet this requirement.
*An annual income of JPY 3,000,000 is basically required, plus additional income of JPY 600,000 ~ 800,000 per dependent. The amount must have been kept for a specific number of years, depending on your current status of residence.
3. Your permanent residence conforms to the interests of Japan.
You must satisfy all the following requirements:
(a) You basically must have resided in Japan for at least 10 years. In addition, you must have resided in the country for 5 years or more with a working status of residence (excluding the residence status "Technical Intern Training" and "Specified Skilled Worker I") or a certain status of residence.
*Long and/or frequent stay outside Japan is likely considered a lack of continuity of your stay in Japan. For example, a 3-month stay outside Japan may be considered a lack.
*There are special provisions regarding the "10-years stay" requirement. For example, a spouse of a Japanese national, permanent resident, or special permanent resident must have been legally married for 3 years or more and have continued to reside in Japan for 1 year or more. "HSP (Highly Skilled Professionals)" holders are given preferential treatment.
(b) You must not have been sentenced to a fine or imprisonment. You have appropriately fulfilled public obligations such as tax payments, payment of public pension and public medical insurance premiums, and notification obligations stipulated in the Immigration law.
*Failure or delay of payment of tax, public pension, and public medical insurance premiums is considered against fulfilling public obligations. The immigration bureau checks not only your records but also the records of all your family members residing in Japan, including Japanese nationals.
*Failure of "notification procedures regarding affiliated institutions (所属機関等に関する届出手続)" is likely considered against fulfilling notification obligations stipulated in the Immigration law.
(c) You must have been given the maximum period of stay permission with your current status of residence, such as 3 years or 5 years.
(d) You have no risk of harm to the public health.
Here are basic checklists to help you find out whether you are eligible to apply for the "Permanent Resident" status without concern. Although the checklists do not gurantee the successful result of your application, you may be interested in them.
Basic Checklist for Working Visa holders
You may be able to meet the requirements of the "Permanent Resident (永住者)" visa application if you answer "yes" to all of the following items.
*This checklist is for Working Visa holders such as "Engineer/Specialist in Humanities/International Services (技術・人文知識・国際業務)".
*Please note this list does not guarantee any approval from the Immigration Bureau for your application.
Basic Checklist for Business Owners with "Business Manger" Visa
You may be able to meet the requirements of the "Permanent Resident (永住者)" visa application if you answer "yes" to all of the following items.
*This checklist is for Business Owners with "Business Manager (経営・管理)" visa.
*Please note this list does not guarantee any approval from the Immigration Bureau for your application.
Basic Checklist for "HSP - Highly Skilled Professional (高度専門職)" Visa with a minimum of 80 HSP points
You may be able to meet the requirements of the "Permanent Resident (永住者)" visa application if you answer "yes" to all of the following items.
*This checklist is for "HSP - Highly Skilled Professional (高度専門職)" visa holders with a minimum of 80 HSP points.
*Please note this list does not guarantee any approval from the Immigration Bureau for your application.
Basic Checklist for "HSP - Highly Skilled Professional (高度専門職)" Visa with a minimum of 70 HSP points
You may be able to meet the requirements of the "Permanent Resident (永住者)" visa application if you answer "yes" to all of the following items.
*This checklist is for "HSP - Highly Skilled Professional (高度専門職)" visa holders with a minimum of 70 HSP points.
*Please note this list does not guarantee any approval from the Immigration Bureau for your application.
Basic Checklist for Spouses of Japanese nationals and Permanent Residents
You may be able to meet the requirements of the "Permanent Resident (永住者)" visa application if you answer "yes" to all of the following items.
*This checklist is for Spouses of Japanese nationals, Permanent Residents, and Special Permanent Residents.
*Please note this list does not guarantee any approval from the Immigration Bureau for your application.
Basic Checklist for Children of Japanese nationals and Permanent Residents
You may be able to meet the requirements of the "Permanent Resident (永住者)" visa application if you answer "yes" to all of the following items.
*This checklist is for Children of Japanese nationals, children specially adopted by Japanese nationals, children of Permanent Residents, and children of Special Permanent Residents.
*Please note this list does not guarantee any approval from the Immigration Bureau for your application.
Please contact us if you would like to carefully review your eligibility for the "Permanent Resident (永住者)" visa application.
1. They leave Japan without a "Re-entry Permit (再入国許可)" or "Special Re-entry Permit (みなし再入国許可)".
2. They leave Japan with a "Special Re-entry Permit" and do not re-enter the country within one year of the departure.
3. They leave Japan with a "Re-entry Permit" and do not re-enter by the re-entry permit expiration date.
4. They fall into any of the following violations;
*Having received "Landing Permission (上陸許可)" or "Permanent Resident" status fraudulently.
*Failure to submit a notification of moving in within 90 days after their changing addresses in Japan.
*Reporting a false address of residence to the government.
5. They are deported for any of the following reasons;
*Being sentenced to life imprisonment (無期懲役、無期禁錮) or imprisonment over one year (1年を超える懲役または禁錮).
*Being convicted of drug crime (薬物犯罪).
*Being engaged in business directly related to prostitution (売春).
Note: On our website, we prefer using the term "Visa" instead of "Status of Residence," even though the latter is legally accurate in most contexts. We've made this choice because we understand that, in many conversations among foreign nationals in Japan, the term "Visa" is commonly used to refer to "Status of Residence." Our goal is to keep our website concise and friendly to those in need of information about the immigration system in Japan. Please see "Difference between Visa and Status of Residence" for more details.