
3.4 Million Foreign Residents in Japan (2023)

The number of foreign residents in Japan (mid- to long-term residents and special permanent residents) increased to a record high of 3.4 million at the end of 2023, according to the Immigration Services Agency's announcement on March 22, 2024.



1. Foreign Residents in Japan (mid- to long-term residents and special permanent residents)

2023 year-end

2022 year-end 3,075,213
2021 year-end 2,760,635
2020 year-end 2,887,116
2019 year-end 2,933,137
Number of foreign residents in Japan (mid- to long-term residents and special permission residents)
Foreign residents in Japan (mid- to long-term residents and special permission residents)
2. Nationality  
(1)  China 821,838 (+60,275)
(2)  Vietnam 565,026 (+75,714)
(3)  South Korea 410,156 (-1,156)
(4)  Philippines 322,046 (+23,306)
(5)  Brazil 211,840 (+2,410)
3. Status of Residence  
(1)  Permanent Resident 891,569 (+27,633)
(2)  Technical Intern Training 404,556 (+79,616)

(3)  Engineer/Specialist in Humanities/

International Services

362,346 (+50,385)
(4)  Student 340,883 (+40,245)
(5)  Special Permanent Resident 281,218 (-7,762)